Monday, January 26, 2009

Waiting For Time and Inspiration

It has been very quiet over on my blog hasn't it? Life is so incredibly full!!

People wonder when I find time to blog. Well, I'll let you in on a secret: I haven't blogged in six weeks. I actually sat down and did a ton of blogging over two nights and then scheduled them to post one per day. I was hopeful that after the last one posted I would have had time to start writing again.

Unfortunately it didn't work that way. For me, blogging is a quiet time activity where I *feel* what I write. I like to reimmerse myself in a situation and write it as if I were reliving it. To me, that makes the writing real. I can't write any other way. It is just not me.

Last night, when I was off to bed, at a late, late hour (once again) I began to feel the beginning of the desire to blog again. Sad to say, but unless I have time I lose the desire to write. Once I have time I get excited and the posts just roll out of me. I will only write if I have things to say because I am not into posting for the sake of it. *smile*

Well, as I headed to bed, a few random thoughts crossed my mind. That is how a post begins for me: a situation happens; someone says a funny phrase; an event occurs; life with teenagers, children, or adoption creates something that I just need to share. Then I write. Not before. But that night as I went to bed, I was too tired to write out my tidbits, and guess what? They are all gone. I have no inspiration.

They will come back and I will be back. Soon. Very soon. Probably this week. And when you see the flood of them you will think I was pulling your leg. *grin* But honestly, I am dry right now. I suppose if I keep typing thoughts will flow through my mind and I will be off and chatting, just like in a regular conversation. Then watch out!! *laugh*

In the meantime, I have a few stolen minutes, so I will share busyness. People who know me have no idea what busy is. No offense to them; they just have no clue.

I was busy before. Very busy. I chose when to write or call a friend. But this is different. I remember having a friend with eight children from ages 2-16 when I had four. My life was pleasant, organized, and a bit busy. I rarely saw her. I didn't get. I didn't complain, but I didn't get it.

Then I had six children and I still didn't get it. I was busy. Very busy. As I said, I rarely called friends, or had time to take off with friends - but I also didn't have the desire; I enjoyed being home with my kids and routine.

And then I had eight.

Okay, now life changed.

Did I mention that my friend with eight had children aged: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16?

Now I get it. Finally my life has matched hers! I have children 4, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 17.

There is absolutely no comparison to my life six months ago. Back then I had no schedule, no routine, I was a fly by the seat of my pants type person. Meals came at any time from 5-7 pm. Bedtime was usually about 8:00-9:00 pm for the younger set. Routine - did I mention I had no routine? Did I tell you how schedule resistant I was? Oh yes, I am the Queen of Schedules - that is the Queen of Making Schedules - NOT enforcing them. I liked to make them. I spent many hours working on the perfect schedule. But I had a problem actually using them. So finally about five years ago, I realized it was rather pointless making these schedules. They would never get used. So I quit. And we continued on just fine.

That is, until we acquired two more children and suddenly I needed routine. Not just for them, but really for me. I would not survive unless I had a plan. A plan of attack. How would I managed so many kids unless I knew what end was up?

And that is when my life changed. I began hooked on routines. And boy have they been liberating.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, I've missed you. Looking forward to new postings. It is the winter blahs that have probably slowed you down, I heard minus 30 this am. Warmer weather coming so you should be up and running soon. Good luck.

Tami said...

I live (loosely) by a schedule and I think it makes all the difference in the world - even with only four. I can only imagine the difference with 8! :)
Its so good to have you back. I was just thinking about checking in with you to make sure everything was alright. It's not like you to be this quiet! ;>)

the Melodious Mama said...

good to *see* you! Adam was just saying the other day, "Did you used to see Justine all the time?" I replied, "That was before she bumped it up to 8! Lets just say she's a bit on the busy side." It was good to see the 3 who came to the gym the other day...the first time I saw Mesai (oh is she ever cute!!) Hope you come along and bring the rest of the troops next time! It would be great to chat. (One of these days I will have to pick your adoption brain!!) or maybe we'll do a walk by and see if you have time for a play/visit.
Hope your staying warm!!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering "where" you were!!! I know exactly what you are saying about the routine thing. I am so not a schedule type of person but when Marivi left suddenly, I found the only way I could get everything done without help and with my sanity intact was to schedule and do lists and be organized. I actually just did a post yesterday with a link to the free meal plan sheet I use. I used to kind of laugh when my mother-in-law would tell me about how she had certain days for certain types of housework (she had seven kids) and now I find myself doing the same thing and shaking my head wondering "how did I get here?"!

Unknown said...

Hey glad to hear your "voice again"
My only schedule I live by is the one I have to follow as far as activities we enroll the boys in. I have a fantasy once and awhile thinking about not using a clock/or day light savings etc... and just going with the flow but ho-hum it does not work. Look forward to your future posts!!
Have you heard our court news? Not very happy about these delay?
Take care