Sunday, November 22, 2009

Becoming a Big Boy

Briton is becoming such a big boy! The other day he found a wooden project that Austin was working on and he went and got a small pouch, nails, and a hammer. And then he got to work. For the next week, nearly every day I would find him out on the deck hammering away. He would work for an hour or more - sometimes hours - each time he would work on this project. He was simply pounding in nails and attaching small pieces of wood, but it was something to see!

The next week I saw him up on the roof of the kid's log cabin. He told me that he was doing what his dad was doing. You see, his daddy had been putting on the roof of the new log shed, and Briton was simply imitating him. *smile*

Cleaning the Roof

Not only is he picking up big guys things to do, but he is also beginning to talk. Sadly, our speech therapist left town and left us in the lurch. When I heard he was leaving I felt like I was drowning. It was such a scary thing to be the only person regulating how his speech was coming along. At the time, he was still about 75% (or more) unintelligible - even to me!

Miracle of miracles, in the last few months Briton's speech has just begun to come through. We can understand most of what he says now. The world would understand about 50%. At times he talks so much about something that I have no clue to what he is saying. But that is getting to be less and less.

The interesting thing is that he is passing Savannah in speech. Her speech, when she tries, is very clear. One day, when she said, "Huh?" Briton turned to her and said, "Not huh. Pardon me." It is very interesting to see how the language is in there and is finally coming out!



Linda said...

It looks like Briton is going to follow in Daddy's foot steps. I'm glad to hear his speech is coming along, you'll soon be wishing he didn't talk so much. I see you have some snow finally, the children will love that.

Playful Platypus said...

Good to hear that Briton is starting to talk! (And be intelligible.) They do so want to be grown-up and do grown-up things, don't they?