Thursday, April 8, 2010

Die Hard Skiiers

It has been so much fun skiing that it was hard to say goodbye to the season. We began in February with going one day a week. In our last week we went three times! I took the boys on Friday knowing it would be our last time. And then I couldn't bear to have it end, so I took them again on Saturday, and then Ray took them on Sunday.

On Friday, the weather was crazy. It was snowing with a real wet snow, and it landed and melted, and I knew by lunch time we would be soaked. There was also a real thick fog hanging low over the mountain.

As we came up the mountain, all huddled down to keep the snow out of our faces, I told the boys, "We are real die-hard skiers! Only those that love skiing will come through this kind of weather!"

It felt good to be able to say that. I feel quite proud that there is something I love to do that makes me 'athletic'. roflol! Any one who knows me, know I am as athletic as they come. I run to the phone, I walk to the car, I run after children, I jump when a child gets hurt, I dance to music with babies and little ones. Yes, I am athletic. HAHA!

I love the fact that I have found something physical that I love to do. But more importantly, I love to do it with my children! So instead of a 20 minute run around the block, which does *how much* good for me? I get to spend *6 hours* doing something good for my body! I then have to remind myself that it does not then give me rights to going home and having a pop and a bowl of chips! laugh

And this was our reward for sticking out the early part of the day: A beautiful sunshiny afternoon. So warm the boys took a much needed rest on the ride up the mountain.


Hi from Ruth! said...

That's fantastic, Justine! Good on ya!


Anonymous said...

LOVE skiing. Haven't been in years!!