Sunday, August 29, 2010


Our new land has a spot the size of a dime where we can receive phone access. We found it by mistake one day, when I was sitting in the van on that spot and my son happened to call to say, "Happy Birthday". How cool was that!

Then when Colt was helping to build the house he discovered that if he was high enough he could get reception on his phone. I came to the site to visit and this is what my creative son had done.

If you look very carefully you will see a Tim Horton's Ice Cap cup nailed to the top of a 2x4 board. That is where he puts his phone when they are at the job, so that they can receive calls.

Smart Boy!

My mum's cousin's wife, who used to be the Dean of Admissions for Stanford University said he was the kind of applicant she was looking for when students applied at the school: someone who saw a problem and looked for a solution! That's my boy.

1 comment:

Linda said...

He has made himself a cel phone booster that didn't cost a cent, way to go Colt.