Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friends From Switzerland

When I was a child my family immigrated to Canada with two other families. My mum and my "Aunty Morag" were old boarding school chums. They had met at age 11. We grew up with the boys and Aunty Morag and Uncle Bryan living about an hour from us. They were like cousins to us. Now Aunty Morag is gone, but her boys are still out there. At Christmas, we were fortunate enough to have Alastair and his family visit us. That was wonderful as we had not seen him for about sixteen years.

In August, Duncan and his family came to visit us.

Waiting for Our Friends

Their boys are the same ages as Cassidy and Austin.

Missing Three of Our Boys

It was only an overnight flying visit as they were on the road visiting many people, but it was great all the same.

Our boys introduced the other boys to the PS 2. They don't own one at their house. These boys are the kind that hike up in the Alps and do all kinds of outdoor adventuring.

We took the boys and their parents to our land to ride the motorbikes and ATV. That was a royal hit!

Our Van Almost at Full Capacity

Robin and Cassidy

Lessons on the ATV

Solo Driver

Briton Showing How It's Done

Riding Briton's Bike

It was a wonderful visit and we are now talking about sending our boys back and forth over the next few years. What a wonderful way to experience the culture: stay with family friends for summer holidays! Our boys were so sad to see them all go home and wished they lived closer. So do I!


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