Thursday, March 5, 2009

Boys in the Kitchen

This is what happens when you put a 15 year old boy, who is interested in the military in the kitchen chopping onions. He was so excited to buy this gas mask and I asked him, "WHERE will you use it?"

He told me that he would use it on Cadet exercises. Fine. Whatever. Then one day, he is cooking dinner and he has to do onions, so he went and got it.

So, when your son wants to buy a gas mask, you will have no reason to say no. He can become your Onion Chopper.

Oh, and this is what they do between stages in the recipe: Pushups.

What is it about 15 year old boys? They hit 15 and suddenly they have this drive to be fit! I hear beepers going off in my house and the next thing I know I see a boy dropping here or there doing sit-ups or push-ups! Regularly!

But it pays off. Colt got accepted into Para - this is a military program that runs through Cadets. Only the top 20 most physically fit Cadets in each province get chosen for the Spring Training. From Spring Training, they choose 5 cadets and those five go on to the Para program in the summer where they go to Ontario for six weeks. They will be training with the Military and learning Paratrooping maneauvers! How cool is that!

So I guess dropping and doing push-ups in my kitchen, while cooking, has its pluses. *smile*


candibaby said...

Hey Justine: How old do the boys have to be to start cadets?


Anonymous said...

What a great idea, smart boy. I agree Justine I have a 17 year old that started working out every day I thought maybe it had something to do with girls but he just tells me it is to give him more strength snow boarding. The fact that he leaves on a cruise tomorrow and wants to look buff also probably had something to do with it. How come the kids get to have all of the fun? Tell the boys good luck with their try outs for training ,that would be an awesome way to spend summer.

Playful Platypus said...

When my kids get sassy or misbehave I sometimes get them to do push-ups. Now I see they're getting a head start on the 15-year-olds!