Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Building the Forms for the Foundation

This house is the biggest one my husband has done in the area we live in, and I was not estimating the time to build it correctly. I was thinking of houses smaller than this one, so the building of the footings and forms took longer than the boys and I figured.

It has taken a number of days this week, plus a few evenings after working at other jobs, to get the forms built for the foundation.

Cooper was a wonderful helper putting all the ties into the slots.

Austin and I slipped the bar through the ties, and trust me, it wasn't easy! Some of those bars have been bent over time and it was no simple task. My muscles in my arms are getting a work out holding them up. They might look light, but try dropping one on your foot... (iron bars)

Cassidy helped Ray with the transit to level out the top of the foundation.

Then Colt, Dane, and Cassidy all built the walls of the forms.

The actual order of things is this:

First, they put up the forms, then Cooper came through and put in the ties, and then Austin and I put the bars through the ties. After this, the older three would build the inner form walls. They had to slip the forms onto the metal ties that was sticking through from the other side. It was not easy! You should have seen how dirty everyone was at the end of each day. Those forms are covered with diesel oil! Laundry...

Meanwhile, the younger three were all out on the driveway clearing up the sticks. Trust me, there will be LOTS of landscaping to do!! Next job: spreading the gravel on the driveway.

Wonderful Little Workers

They all know that they are invaluable parts of building this house. Each and everyone can contribute to the process, and in the end we will have a beautiful home to enjoy, and for our big boys to bring their families home to when they get married!

Lunch Break!


Hi from Ruth! said...

wow - you are making progress incredibly quickly, it seems. That's awesome. How lovely that all of the kids can be involved, too. I can hardly wait to see the finished product...your new home!!


Linda said...

Justine I have really enjoyed all of your new posts about the building of your new home. It sounds like it is going to be lovely and a nice big basement for storage and extra living space. Can't wait to come and have a visit and see it. I don't know how you find the time to do all of that and put posts on your blog but I certainly appreciate it. Wishing you blue skies and sunshine and of course co operative building inspectors.