Sunday, July 25, 2010

Harambee Day 7 - Friday

Today is our last day. It is the day that the children rehearse for their show tonight. It is the last game for the World Cup. And it is the last time for the children and families to be together with all these wonderful people for another year. We certainly can't wait til next year!

In the afternoon we headed down to the beach for one last time with the friends we had made. Austin really wanted to have some water fun with someone where he could get them wet, so I suggested he ask Raine if he could throw her in if he would let her throw him in. She agreed.

Making the Deal

Laughter and Squeals Erupt From Raine

Okay, It's My Turn!

And She Threw Him!! What Fun!

There was a silent auction that takes place every year. They raised about $3000 last year, and this year they were hoping to do as well. Everyone brings something for the auction and then they bid on the things they want. I went through the auction and found these gorgeous prints of two African girls and I would have loved to have had them, but the price went too high for me. I will look online for them.

Then I saw something wonderful! It spoke to me of Sintayehu, the girls' mother. She was a seller of fruit, and this dress and turban is similar to the way she was dressed when we met her.

I put my bid down and then headed to the beach. When I was down there I asked Cassidy to update the bid when he headed up for his soccer game. He was a good boy and stalked the statue. smile. Later in the day, I suddenly realized it was close to the end of the bidding time! The kids and I packed up and rannnn as fast as we could home. We dropped our stuff and then hotfooted it to the auction tent. Cassidy was steathily guarding the statue. He couldn't be too obvious or the other bidders would also hover. smile.

I stood back for a while, and then when there was about 10 minutes left til the end of the bidding I couldn't wait any longer, I added my name to the last bid. You see, two other people had put their names after mine. It was just like an ebay bidding. When to bid? Last minute. But then it might be too last minute and someone else might dash up and grab the pencil! laugh.

My stomach was full of butterflies. I had to have that statue!! She was so perfect! I had never seen a statue like this one: carrying fruit!!

Then this woman came up and stood near the statue. It was clear she was in front of it. What to do? Stand back and let her take the pencil and the lead? Hmm. I didn't want to be too pushy, so I stepped up quietly and asked her what she was wanting. She pointed out the statue. I nodded.

"Yes. Me too. Better get your pencil," I said to her with a grin, as I picked up mine. We stood quietly side by side, and I wondered what on earth was going to happen in the last minute before the bell! I wouldn't get rude, so I would probably lose out.

Then all of a sudden, the one person that I had shared the story of the statute to earlier walked up. She sussed up the situation and then asked the woman, "Did she tell you she has an emotional attachment to it?"

I said, no I hadn't as I wanted to play fair.

The woman insisted I tell her. I hesitated. The woman said that the other bidder just wanted it because it was nice. The bidder agreed and asked me to tell her about the statute. So I did.

She then said there was no way she could bid against that and backed out. Wow!

But there was still the original other bidder. Where was she. I scouted the room and I didn't see her. I looked at the clock and saw I had about 1.5 minutes to the end of the bid. My heart was pounding; my stomach had butterflies. I had to get the statue!

Then I heard the wonderful call of the auction was over! It was mine. I grinned from ear to ear. I felt like telling people. laugh. If it hadn't been for that woman I probably would never have gotten the statue! I felt God had given me a little helper! I walked over to Savannah who was waiting by the tent entrance and told her.

Her reaction?

After the auction it was the potluck barbeque. Everyone brought something and then one family donated all the burgers, buns, hotdogs, and cheese! They are a family that has an A&W (I believe that is right). It was great fun and great food!

Got To Love His Goggles!

Lining Up For Burgers

This little girl and Briton were inseparable. So cute! She must have been at least a foot taller than him! It is funny how all the girls love my boys. Too funny. Must be cause they're so sweet! smile

After dinner was the show. The little ones did their drumming first, followed by the older children, and then the dancers.

One of the organizers came up and put this funny statue on Savannah's drum and took a picture. I am not sure why.

8-12 Year Old Miramba Class

13-18 Year Old Miramba Class

Dancing After the Performance

Austin and His Friends Watching TV at the End of the Day



Linda said...

I am going to miss your posts on camp. It sounds like it was a wonderful experience for all of the children and you too. Hopefully now you will be posting about the building of your new home. I hope it is coming along well and no problems with inspectors. Pen's baby is due tomorrow lets hope it isn't too late so we can get up for a few weeks and come for a visit.

Gwen said...

What an amazing week -- looks like fun was had by all. So many smiles in the pictures! :) Thanks for blogging about it; I didn't comment much, but I really enjoyed these posts!