Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Snow Day

I recently bought the girls their snowcoats, boots, hats, and gloves. I have yet to buy them their black pants to go with their snazzy coats, but in the meanwhile, they are borrowing leftovers.

We were waiting for the snow for them to wear them. The boots sat at the front door and the girls knew when the 'snow' arrived they could wear them. Now, they have never seen snow before, so all they knew was it was 'this' deep, and 'this' colour, and it was all rather mysterious, I am sure.

When the day finally arrived the girls were very excited. They have spent every day outside running around and playing, so I thought it would be interesting to see how long they lasted with the cold snow outside.

Well, they lasted. And they played. They ate snow. They threw snow at the windows. They were not wimps! Far from it! It was snow, glorious snow!

The first thing their brother did was build a ramp from our deck. He then put a jump at the other end. So now they have a wonderful place to shoot from with their sleds!

All we need now is a little more snow. That won't be long!



Linda said...

What fun, thank you for the photos they are great.


The Turgeon Expansion said...

Looks to me like the snow is a hit with the girls!!! But one of your boys in shorts and bare feet, brrrr...


the Melodious Mama said...

so fun!! I love the bliss that follows the first reall snow fall. What a wonderland it must have been for the girls.

Dane looks like he might be a touch on the chilly side! lol...
gotta love teenagers!