In our home we don't do Halloween. Way back in the early days when Colt was born we did a little research and decided it was not a holiday we wanted to partake in. We only take part in the holidays that are uplifting, and dressing up as vampires, witches, ghosts, and ghouls is not something I want our kids to do. Given the spiritual background of Halloween, (and I don't mean All Saints Day, which is November 1), we don't have anything to do with it. Here is a one minute commentary on it:
We always have a good time on the day, because we know that our kids, like any kids, love a good time! So instead, we have a Fall Fun Party. We have done many variations of this party - some public, some private.
This year, since the girls had not been 'out' too much, I figured this was a good chance for them to make their debut. Not that I like being centre stage. But we had to 'go public' at some point and up to this point everywhere we had been had been doctors, a quick shop, or another town shopping in Walmart!
A local church was having a Light Up The Night party. This was an outdoor party with a harvest/cowboy theme. Very positive and autumn-like versus scary and nasty. We arrived at the party and boy, I felt like Cheaper By The Dozen. We had kids coming out of all doors!! We even had one teenager in the baggage spot!!! LOL!!
Colt and Dane went and hung out with friends and I didn't see them again for the evening. Cassidy and Austin quickly found some friends, and I would occasionally see them around the party. Then it was just me and four little ones. Now that is somewhat challenging: all nearly 4, 4, 5, 6 years!
The girls thought the games were great fun! They got a candy at each activity.
When we came to the 'Seed Spitting' contest two thoughts crossed my mind:
1) Do I want to reteach them to spit?
2) If they do play Gadisae will win.
I decided to let them play. The four little ones all lined up at the front of the sheet and were each given a sunflower seed. They were told to hold them in their mouth and then SPIT. Moments later, the clear winner was declared. Gadisae. *laugh*
How clear a winner was she? Well, the other kids spat their seeds about: 1 foot, 18 inches, and 24" - Gadisae? About 5'. *laugh*
I proudly declared, "I am not surprised she won. She used to spit when she came." Meaning, this girl has talent. *grin* What a great keepsake of her spitting days! LOL!! And the little lady does not spit anymore.
But I have to tell you. The boys told me she spat. I didn't know this, until the day I was looking out the livingroom window, and then I saw this little girl do the most disgusting thing!! LOL!! Seconds later, we had a quick chat about how in Canada young ladies do NOT spit like that! And we are not talking 'ladylike spitting', either! Imagine your most seasoned cowboy and you have the right idea! *grin*
such a neat idea. we had something like this at an area church too, no ghouls, no scariness, just good clean fun. (and a 'candy buffet',,perfect!)
I don't know how I missed seeing this post!
This made me laugh for a LONG time. Spitting sunflower seeds 5 feet??! Now, that's talent.
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