Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back to School

I ordered a bunch of new schoolbooks for Mesai and Cooper. They finally came in. It was a fun first day of school (again). But now we have the real books - let the learning begin.

It was interesting to see. I had both kids doing the same curriculum, but the lack of language made it challenging! Mesai had to learn things like: different, same, circle, colour, cross out. And then she had to listen to stories that caused her to know which items to mark. It was tricky! But they enjoyed their new books.


Sheila said...

if you don't mind sharing what curriculum or books are you using?
Can I sit in on a day of school with you guys?
I want to peek and absorb/learn too.


Gwen said...

What a couple of great smiles!

darci said...

cute smiles! yes, i'm curious to know curriculum, too.there is so much out there!