Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dock Jumping and More

I figure you need to camp in one place for at least a week to get the lay of the land, work out boundaries, find rhythm and routines, and then just enjoy everything each day has to offer.

If we were only camping for a few days then we would have to do everything in those couple days: hot chocolate, smores, hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, freezies, ice cream, watermelon - there just wouldn't be enough time to eat in a day! I am very thankful to have enough days to spread out the treats and the children feel that each day is a day full of treats they wouldn't ordinarily get, plus there are so many activities to do: water fights, playground, exploring the surrounding areas in the boats, picnics at seas (haven't done that yet!) and more!

Since I was busy doing this and that the first couple of days, I had not yet had a chance to try out the kayak. Boy, am I glad we bought that boat! It is wonderful. We can put one child on the front as a figurehead - Queen Mesai, another in front of the front paddling person, one on the middle storage box, another paddler in the back, with a small child in front of them, and then one last middle sized boy on the back as a scout looking backwards. The boat carries 475 lb and we were just under that. The boat didn't even show any signs of feeling the weight. Not only that, the boys (when alone!) can rock that boat so hard and it won't tip over! It is the best buy! For all those that are interested in buying one for themselves, *grin* we got it at Costco for $449.

So, today I took some boys for a ride, and then it wasn't long after that that all of us got on board the kayak and the dingy and headed off down the lake for a pleasant sightseeing row. It is amazing how relaxing it is here! I just wish it were free and I would just set up camp for the summer!

You know, I was working out the cost the other night. For our family to go to a local town for a one night getaway, it costs us $450. That is one night in a hotel - 2 rooms, plus $150 for food and treats for the day, plus $50 for cheaper entertainment. Now, for us to come here it is $40 for the night, plus about $40 a day (max) for fun eating. That is $80 a day; $560 a week! What a difference!! And that is why our family does not take holidays. Well, no more!

A problem our children have had is not being very comfortable around water. We have not had the luxury of a swimming pool or lessons in our town, so the only time they have had a chance to advance in their water comfort has been at hotels on road trips! It is *amazing* how far a child will go forward in a single one-on-one swimming lesson in a hotel pool.

So since we are now going to be hanging out at lakes for a great deal of the summer, I felt it was necessary for our children to get into the water. Not just look at it, or just put their toes into it. No - plain old jump into it and be good about it. Why? So that I don't have a child fall off a boat and drown through fear of being immersed in the water.

Two years ago, I had sweet Cooper nearly drown. It was the most horrific moment. I was sitting at the beach - at the edge, with feet in the water - my customary spot, and I was talking to my children. All of them. There had been a dispute over a ball, and I had my attention on the kids for about 60 seconds, while I was sorting it out.

As the kids wandered off, I looked across the water and directly in my line of vision I could see Cooper's hair floating on the top of the water. There was no body in sight; just his hair. As I discovered, his body was straight upright for some strange reason. I raced as fast as I could into the water - it was like God gave me wings. I reached him and grabbed hold of his swimshirt and hauled him up. It all happened so fast that I don't even remember my feeling. I am sure it was shock. Praise God that he had not ingested water and he simply coughed and held onto me.

When he was sitting with me at the beach, I was able to find out from him what had happened. I asked him what he was doing when he was in the water. You see, he was not thrashing or moving. I could not see his body because he was simply floating above a drop-off where he had stepped into. I have heard that drownings are often silent. There is truth to this. Just writing this brings back such scary vivid memories!

His response? "I was waiting for you." Oh my gosh! My little guy steps off into nothing and he said he tried to get back but he couldn't find the ground, so he just waited for mummy to come and get him! Praise God that I saw him in time. My precious little boy!! It still stuns me to think what must go through a child's mind, when in that type of situation. I am so thankful that I *was* able to be there to show him that Mummy would take care of him.

And so that is why my children *must* be comfortable around water.

Today they began with jumping off the dock. It was not easy. The four little ones had to do it. I started them shallow - a couple feet deep and we worked up from that.

Walking on Water Cooper

They are all at different levels now, with Cooper being able to jump off, submerge, and swim into shore on his tummy using a dog paddle. Of course, they all do it with life jackets on.

Savannah took time before she was willing to do it, but now she is getting better.

Flying High Savannah

En Pointe Dane

Dane and Cass were sent out to the deeper part to show me their skills. Here it seems that Dane has take up 'en pointe' ballet, instead of deep water jumping, and Cassidy is getting ready to take the plunge.

Showman Austin

Another great lunch was had. This time it was Frito Pies. Strange name, but that is what I was given. Very delicious and easy to make. Another great Rambling Road Trip meal!

Fritos Pies chili (homemade recipe below, or canned chili) corn chips sour cream cheddar cheese, shredded tomatoes, sliced lettuce, shredded 1) Make your chili. 2) Put some cornchips in the bottom of a bowl. 3) Put a ladleful (or more) of chili on top. 4) Add the toppings over this.

Serve and enjoy!

Sharla's Famous Chili (slight variation)

1 pack of Mexican Ground Round or lean ground beef

1 chopped onion

1 - 28 oz tin diced tomatoes

2 cans Heinz chili style beans

1 can tomato paste

1 can tomato soup

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp chili powder

2 Tbsp honey

1) Fry up the onion and the meat or meat substitute til onion is soft.

2) Mix the beans, tomatoes, paste, soup, and spices in a bowl.

3) Add the mixture to the meat and blend well. Bring to a higher temp and then turn down to simmer for a while.

4) Mix in honey before serving.

All Worn Out Briton

After a full day of swimming, water fights, and boating it was time for food again. Today was hot dogs. We came back to find that Dane and Cassidy had built us a nice fire and had the hotdogs ready to go.

Savannah was so tired from her day of swimming that she only ate one hotdog before wobbling off to bed.
A Savannah-Made Mustardy Hotdog



Linda said...

Hi Justine

I am just going to say any time between now and July 17th is fine for you to go. I may be there for part of that but I would love to spend time with you. If I come it will be about June 28th. July 17th until Aug 17th is fully booked by family and friends. Then the family will be back and forth until Sept. 14th but after Sept 14th it is available until Thanksgiving weekend then we drain all the water etc. for winter. If you could let me know when you pick to go that would be great. Maybe you could go now and then again in the fall. You all look like you are having so much fun I am jealous. I so envy you all of those wonderful children. There is no better way to spend a day than watching kids have fun. Get Ray to show you where my families cabin is because we have a slide and diving board out front that you can use it is just across the cul de sac from us so you could all boat over and use it. They have to take a can or something and pour water down the slide before they go down or they will stick to it. One more request, please ask the children not to throw sticks, rocks etc into the lake I doubt that they would but just in case. Enjoy the rest of your holiday at your current lake. I have been trying to figure out which one it is from your photos but no luck.

Unknown said...

Hi Linda,

Ray has his mother coming unexpectedly on the 16th of this month, so our holiday here will be over. Sadly, as we are so enjoying it here! But I have not yet seen your lake. *smile*

I would like to say that as soon as my mother-in-law is gone then we will shoot over to your place. I do not know how long she is staying. It could be a few days, or it could be a week. Then I will need a day or two to put life back in order and then I would have Ray haul us over.

We will not use the motorboat, unless Ray chooses to with your permission. The boys will be happy to use a rowboat, I am sure! Right now they are trying to keep up with each other in the dingy and kayak, and the dingy always loses! *grin*

I am not sure how long we would stop, as we might go to another lake as my sister and her 5 and 2 year old girls are are coming up for a few days at the beginning of July.

The kids would be courteous of your neighbours and the lake, so no worries there!

I'll be in touch again, as soon as I know about my mil's visit.

Oh, btw, a hint for you as to where we are. Your grandson whose name ends with "ER" has his first letter of his name as the first letter of the lake we are at. Does that help? It is near a colouredy lake. *grin*

Email me to my personal email, if you figure out where we are!

Thank you!


Becky R said...

thank you for sharing this great trip with us, it actually relaxes me to read your posts.

Unknown said...

Thanks Becky,

I am glad to have you along on the trip! *smile*
