It is funny because I have seen children who don't like snow, but our girls love the snow!! They are out there every single day for at least 3 hours! Here was a day when they figured that cardboard boxes might work well on the snow hill. Hmmm..
We live a life of faith-filled adventure! We are a family with eight energetic, loving, crazy, happy, and very noisy children. Ray and I thought our family was complete when we had four children. Now, when people ask us if we will have any more children, we simply answer, "We don't know." We have learned that God sometimes has surprises in store for us, as He did when He brought home our two girls from Ethiopia!
1 comment:
I love to see them all having fun and always found that kids seemed to have more fun creating their own fun than with expensive toys. Regarding your other posting WOW so much to think about and worry about and you are such a great Mom for even noticing all of these things and I think you handle everything beautifully. I think the fact that you always follow through with the consequences is great. So often I hear Moms say if you don't do this or that you won't get your treat and then they get their treat no matter what they do. I have also seen the consequences of this action, children that do not listen and act out. Not nice to be around. Good Job as usual with your 8.
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