The girls learned within the first little while to not throw away food. When you have a large family they learn to not be wasteful. They are served dinner and they can come back for seconds. But when they ask for fruit or a bun for a daytime snack, then they are expected to finish it and not take a bite and then throw it away.
Today, the children were all given cheese buns for a snack. Cooper, the child who has a hollow leg, came and told me that the girls had thrown away their buns. I went outside and found four nice cheesy buns, minus the tasty top, in the outside garbage can.
Four meant that some boys did the dastardly deed also. *smile* So I rounded up the troops and explained again to the girls that we don't throw away food. (They can bring it in and wrap it for later if they don't want to finish it.) My boys certainly knew better. So there would be no more snacks before dinner. I am pretty sure they understood. They both showed they agreed and went off to play.
Well, about an hour later, while I was preparing dinner, I looked out the window and what did I see? Three little people sitting up on the driveway curb, right up the end of the driveway. They looked so cute together, and so I had to take a picture. When I got there I found them sharing a chunk of a bun.
It was so funny to watch Briton break off a chunk of 'stolen' bread *grin* and then had it to each of his sisters, asthey gleefully took the scrap!! Little rug rats!
So, suddenly, this not so tasty bun is very tasty. Forbidden fruits! *smile*
hee hee hee. At least thier brother watches out for them :)
Justine,Love the new blog and title! The girls are just beautiful and sound simply delightful and fitting in so well. How wonderful is that! I don't know how you maintain that level of
organization with so many little people to keep busy!
I had to laugh at the sneaky bun story- sounds like my boys - one gets an idea and brings his plan to his brother than they make the third brother carry out the plan- then they share in the rewards but in the end one of them usually comes clean and tattles. Too funny!
Enjoy reading about the transtion into 10!
Just wanted to say thanks for inviting me to your blog. I look forward to learning a ton from you!
A question... have you noticed any "jealousy" from your youngest as pertains to the girls (in terms of your attention being diverted from him)? Athough with 5 brothers already, this may not be an issue...
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