During that time I was also unpacking and cleaning up the house. Following this I had to dive head first into getting my older boys into their online highschool courses. That took up so much of my time. And actually, getting them rolling and doing their schoolwork in that first week was what truly exhausted me. I was completely worn out. I am sure there was jetlag, and the transition of having two new children, but truly, it was having two highschool students to get *moving* and *motivated* - we are not quite there yet, but at least *I* know what they are doing and now they are responsible for it. Not me any longer!
So once things started to feel 'normal' around here - as in, this week *smile* - I began to give out jobs.
Ray is putting in the fence around the sports court and the children were helping him dig the holes, or clean out the dirt, depending on how old they are. Gadisae was Ray's "Water Girl". When I went outside she passed me carrying the bucket and said, "Oohaa" (water). When she returned with her 2 cups of water in the bottom she proudly smiled at me. Each time she emptied the bucket for Ray she would proudly skip off to get more.
Notice her cute little gloves? They are a pair of socks she found that Briton had removed and left in the yard. *smile*
It sure looks like normal family life. The girls have just adapted beautifully and seem right at home. :)
It's great that you have so much for all the children to do. I guess when you home school you have to have all those things to keep them busy. They are two very blessed little girls as is your whole family. Congratulations.
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