Thursday, September 25, 2008

Holy Socks...

Due to a polite comment:

For those that are concerned about my "Senior" having holy socks *grin*, I will have you know that my boys that are over the age of 13 buy their own clothes. When a teen begins buying their own clothes they are much more thoughtful with how they spend their money!

If you think those are holy socks, then you ain't seen nothin'! I will try to find a sock that that particular boy held onto for dear life. It had holes in all areas of the sole. I am surprised that he could actually keep it on his foot!

My boys are like any kids. They think money grows on trees. Not that they say this - it is how they act. So by them taking ownership for their own clothing by age thirteen, they learn to not covet fancy things. One boy has to be forced to spend $100 + a year to buy new clothes. He finds spending money on clothes a waste of money. He would rather live in shorts and t-shirts, and bare feet. I would rather he not look like a slob at church, so I force him to buy a couple pairs of pants and some shirts. Now, this year, he is hoping to get clothes for Christmas! And I shall not disappoint him!

This causes them to thing twice before they wear a nice shirt to the jobsite, or run around in the backyard in their socks. It's not my bill. *smile* And they are learning responsibility and money management through it all.


Unknown said...

I love this idea. We started teaching our boys about money last year(age 6 and 4). They have to earn money doing extra chores and divide it between church,long term savings and spending money. They are getting some of the concepts. I think I will incorporate your clothing idea when they are older. Hope it will make a bit of difference in how they appreciate material obj. and respect money. Tks for the idea. Noelle

Unknown said...

HA HA HA You have me rolling here! I was just kidding- I know your drill!