Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas 2009 - Colt Comes Home

Part 1: This was a wonderful Christmas. It was the first one that we got to spend time with my 8 year old niece. She lives a distance from us and circumstances prevent us from being together each year. This year my sister bought a house that was big enough to house our whole family, my parents, her in-laws, and my brother and his daughter.

The best part of all, though, was Colt had managed to get Christmas off. We surprised him by organizing a flight home for him, so he arrived in Vancouver at 9:oo pm Christmas Eve and we would have his company until the wee hours of December 27th.

We headed out to the airport knowing that we had a few minutes to spare. At it turned out, when we arrived we found out his flight had already arrived!

I have to mention here that this was Colt's first solo flight. Ignore the fact that I had flown to Europe at 20 years of age and travelled independently around the continent for a year. This was my baby! grin

So when we are waiting for him we are wondering where we will find him, since he was not at the luggage turnstyle. Thankfully we are in the technology age and I could call him and find out where he was.

He had no clue, as what he said did not match what we said. We had come upstairs and so had he! His flight should have been upstairs and he should have been going down.

I approached this kind lady that worked at the airport. Actually, she approached me. We had ascended the escalator intending on finding Colt and discovered that only people coming IN could use the escalator and they should be going DOWN.

So she made us stand in a certain area that was 'behind the boundary', while she asked us his name. I told her how old he was, his age, and that he was 6'3" tall, but that this was his first flight. She probably was nodding her head at me, thinking, "Oh, yeah. First-born. Yep. I've seen enough of those to recognize it!" *grin*

We decided to go downstairs and wait by the turnstyle again. In a short while, Colt called my cell and told me he was getting near to our turnstyle. It was like waiting for a celebrity! "He's getting closer. He says he just passed turnstyle #3. He's got to be nearly here. Oh, look! There he is!" And we were off and running. *grin*

Dane was so thrilled to see his big brother. We all were. When he finished hugging everyone he told us what had happened. As he had entered the security area upstairs a bunch of people had descended upon him. They were the security that we had met. They asked him his name and then laughed and told him that everyone was looking for him! They told him, "Looks like your whole family came out to meet you!" He laughed at that because half the family was still at my sister's! LOL!

Cassidy held on to his brother's luggage like it was the crown jewels. You could see the love in his actions and noone was taking his job away from him. :o)

We got home to my sister's and Cooper was still awake.

Poor little Briton had been under the weather for a few days and because I had had to leave him, I had put him in the music room before I left. So he was asleep by the piano on a little pile of blankets. I didn't want him far from the grown-ups if he woke up.

My Big Brother. My Baby Brother.

Colt With Granny and Grandad



Linda said...

Colt sure looks like Mom. Cute story and great photos.

Hi from Ruth! said...

Oh, I love it. This post warmed my heart. I'm so glad Colt was home for Christmas!


darci said...

oh yay! my eyes teared up. what a wonderful much love in your family. so glad ou all had Christmas together. darci