Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back to Business.... Once Again!

I will never be a person who can blog daily again. I now realize ( a little late in figuring this out) that I tend to do everything or nothing. When I am not inspired to blog, then I don't blog. I can't simply blog to do it. Why? Because I like to write things that really speak to my heart, and not only that, I also take my blog and publish it yearly through A good one year of blogging adds up to a very thick book of about 300 pages!!

Of course, being the mother that I am, I need to give each of my children a copy of their life story, and that adds up to a ton of money!!! But to me memories are priceless and I can't not write, and I can't not publish, so the only solution is to not babble about nothing. I have to write the stuff that I figure is worthy of my children having a shelf-ful of biographies when they grow up. smile.

Not only that, right now I have so many other 'babies' on the go!! I am trying to design a house. Trying to school my kids, yada yada. And at the end of the day it is hard to get my ummph to write!!

So here I go again. I will try, try, try to get onboard with my writing, but when something takes my fancy, excitement, energy, and drive, then sadly the blogging takes a back seat. But know that I am always taking pictures of the thing that has taken my attention, and those pictures will *always* be uploaded with stories to tell, just not as quickly as you all might like. :o)

There is much to tell in our family, homeschooling, big kids, little kids, adoption transitions (still), and the house building, so if you are one of the ones that has sweetly nudged me via email or comment, please be patient, as I love to write - just gotta prioritize. smile.



Anonymous said...

Thank you from one of your prodders. I really enjoyed all the entries. I will try to be more patient.

Hi from Ruth! said...

Don't worry about how often you post, Justine (even though I might complain about it!). Do it when the spirit moves, I figure - sometimes that'll be more, sometimes that will be less...and sometimes, they'll come in bulk. So be it...we'll just read 'em when they're here to be read.

