Monday, November 15, 2010

Have Boys? Lock Up the Pam!!

Pam Makes a 'Great' Floor Polish!

Are you aware how long it takes to wash Pam off a laminate floor?

One day, my dear impulsive son, decided to spray Pam into the air. How much air? Oh, just the entire kitchen air.

What did this do? Well, it caused him to spend the next four hours washing and rewashing the kitchen floor until all the grease was gone.


As he was coming to a finish, I asked him if the fun of spraying the Pam had been worth it.

Given his sweet, repentant (though very impulsive) heart, he replied with a sheepish grin, No.



Unknown said...

My boys did this once many years ago with a can of furniture polish and our basement lino covered floor. We considered it our personal ice rink for the next several weeks :) and they had lots and lots of fun (and one concussion!)

Linda said...

Oh, I am so happy it was only the floor that was a mess. I believe Pam if inhaled is deadly, not positive about this but seem to remember a child that went to school with my children dying from inhaling Pam to try and get High. That was many years ago and I could be very wrong but better safe than sorry as my Mom always said.

Would love to hear what his reasoning was for spraying the floor, really funny if your not the one cleaning up the mess. Never a dull moment at your house.

Sandie said...

How do we email you??? would love to continue following your blog!