Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cooper Update

I am sorry that I did not update on Cooper on the blog. I updated on Facebook but didn't do it here.

His EEG, CT scan and physical exam came back perfectly fine. We are to keep an eye out for symptoms and keep a diary. The ophtha-neurologist has given me her personal email to keep her updated if things crop up again. In the meantime he has had some other weird physical symptoms - weakness in his legs one day, and on and off nausea, which actually caused him to stop eating! lol That boy doesn't stop eating for anything, so it had to be real.

Thanks for all that have prayed and I will update if things change. At the moment I am very reassured that any nasty diagnoses were ruled out!



shaunak said...

Do they think it could be migraines, Justine? I know sometimes you can have migraines with the aura and nausea but not the headache.

Unknown said...


I would like to think they are migraines, but the neuro-ophthalmologist said the shapes he is seeing - red or blue or pink rectangles, squares, circles etc, are not consistent with migraine. Hence, the CT scan that was ordered on the spot causing me a bit of worry.

I wonder if it is a stress related thing??? He is my more sensitive child. And he did cry the night of the car accident, and the real strange nausea etc that began started as we arrived at the coast. He was in McDonalds and all of a sudden he couldn't eat. Then on the way to the hospital the next day he had real nausea. Then he didn't eat much and felt nauseated for the next week on and off. So I wonder if it was stress due to his worry about his vision thing, plus stress about the car accident.

That doesn't take away the September issues. Unless it was stress about school starting?! That has never been spoken of as being a problem though.

So we will watch it. But thanks for the suggestion. :o)


Linda said...

Poor little Cooper, such a worry, thank you for up dating us. I will keep him in my prayers.