Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thank You For Praying

At the moment , my mum is doing fine. Last night, at about 11:30 the surgeon told my dad that the surgery went very well. When they opened her up they discovered that it was not a bowel perforation as they thought; it was a burst, very gangrenous appendix. It had drained quite far into her body, so they had her hooked up to a saline drip and were giving her all kinds of meds.

I am so thankful for a surgeon who was acted very quickly (an hour to surgery!) and was very compassionate, and thorough in her job.

My dad has been going back and forth to the hospital, cause where we live it is *cold* (like in -22) and the pipes can freeze, so he can't leave it overnight.  I felt very touched last night when I had barely posted my prayer request and my phone rang. I dashed to it thinking it might be my dad, just to hear a deep voice say, "Justine." *smile* It was Al the Plumber (my salute to you, Al *smile*).

God sometimes uses the most unlikely people. This kind man had read on my blog about my mum and had immediately called to ask me to tell my dad that he would do anything for him that he needed.  He is a good friend of my dad's. Al was the man that plumbed our first house when we moved to the area, and now his wife reads my blog. The funny thing is that he probably knows more about my family that my parents do!! lol Simply because his wife reads my blog, and she updates him, and I share more on here than I tell people in real life! lol

So when that call came in, I felt God had sent a great warm hug!

Then this morning, my dad and I were having a chat about the fact that he has a slippery driveway that his van doesn't like to get out of. My mum's vehicle is in the shop right now, so he has to rely on his van. He had a little laugh when he said that he couldn't get out unless he chopped at the ice and then put down sand. But of course, he had to go to town to get the sand, and he couldn't get out of the driveway to get the sand. Stuck.

So this morning, the children and I prayed for my mum and we prayed our thanks that Al had stepped up so quickly to help, and we asked that the problem of the vehicle and the driveway and the ice would be solved, so my dad could get to the hospital.

Well, wouldn't you know it, my dad called this morning and told me he would be going to the hospital. He didn't need to get his van out of the driveway. Good ol' Al had lent him his family vehicle. When I told Austin how God had met that need, you should have seen his beaming smile. Our God takes care of everything.

I plan to go up tomorrow to see my mum and see how things are going. They say she will be in for another couple days, while they flush her system.  So thanks again to all who prayed for your care. You really are a great bunch, and thanks Al for pitching in and helping my dad!

I should just finish with a bit of a funny. My parents are not very technically savvy. Well, that's putting it mildy. They have no clue. They are not on the internet. They don't read my blog. I don't think my dad really even gets the whole blog thing.

So last night, I call my dad and mention that Al called, and he immediatly says, "You didn't tell anyone did you?"

And I'm thinking, NO, JUST THE ENTIRE INTERNET WORLD, and I cautiously and curiously ask, "Why?"

And he says, "Your mother is a very private person. She wouldn't want anyone to know."

And I am thinking, "Oh Poop!! Too late!" I have to tell him I put it on the blog for prayer. Sheepish grin. He says, "Well, it's better you don't tell your mother." *laugh*

So we'll keep the secret how you found out, Al, okay?


Linda said...

So glad your Mom is going to be okay. The story about your Dad is just too funny, I was just going to write our neighbour at the lake and tell her about your Mom so I will keep your secret and let her read about it in the local paper instead. Mum's the word, we didn't hear a thing from you. Thanks for the laugh.

darci said...

i'm SO glad your mom is ok! I prayed after the fact, but I believe God knows when we'll pray! yay for Al...and SO funny about your 'little secret' lol!! We didn't hear it from YOU!

3 little bears said...

No worries :)We won't say anything.
Glad your mum is ok. We were Happy to help!!!