Saturday, December 20, 2008

St. Nicholas Day

A View From Our Deck

In our house we want the focus of Christmas to be on Jesus Christ. So we celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 6th, instead of on December 24 or 25th. This way, by Christmas time, the novelty of Santa has worn off and everyone knows that we are gearing up for Jesus's birthday.

I don't the children to miss out on the magic of make-believe regarding Santa, so we let them believe. I know there are many schools of thought on this one, but this works for us. And not one of our big kids has ever been resentful that I 'lied' to them. They enjoy their childhood beliefs and then move on when they figure it out.

We start out the evening with me reading them a story about St. Nicholas. He was a real Bishop that lived in the 4th century. He was a kind man that gave to the poor. As the children listen to this story they see the kindness of this man, and the funny thing is the children don't make a connection to him being alive so many, many years ago, and yet still able to deliver presents now.

From reading this story, our children then go onto filling boxes for the children in other countries, and buying one best quality toy for a child in our town. This way they get to 'be like St. Nicholas' and help the needy.

Oh Look! An Elf!

The night before St. Nicholas Day, we were up late. The boys didn't get to bed til nearly 11:00 pm and then the fun began. In the morning, Austin went downstairs and came back up and told Dane he had found a note in Dane's stocking.

Austin didn't look too happy. When the children went downstairs a few minutes later, the boys found a note under the Christmas tree, and it told them to begin looking for their stockings. St. Nicholas had decided not to leave them where they were easy to find.

Our kids have never run downstairs early to open presents. They always wait for our call. We are up so late the night before and I want to act civilized *smile*, so I need a few hours sleep. They are very patient!

Sleepy Mesai With No Idea What Was Going On

Good-Sport Dane Reading His Note and Finding His Lump of Coal

When Dane came downstairs he found a note in his stocking. Apparently, Dane had been dissing St. Nicholas Day. Well, sort of. He had been asking why he couldn't do a biathalon on St. Nicholas Day, and do "Santa" on Christmas Day. He knew the reason why, so St. Nicholas decided to leave him a lump of coal for his grumpy attitude.

Thankfully, St. Nicholas also showed Dane a little mercy. Upon finding the note, Dane read that he could choose the coal or choose to Believe, Trust, and Obey. If he chose that route then he could head for the front door and see what he could find.

His older brother found a bag of Christmas presents outside. The children thought it was very funny to see big brother get a lump of coal. I explained to Mesai and Gadisae that Dane got a lump of coal because he didn't believe!

The children searched high and low for their presents. The older boys had a harder time finding their presents. Cassidy found his, but Colt took a lot longer to find his. He finally found it in the stove drawer.

Cassidy Found His Presents in the Dryer

The children were all so thankful for their gifts. I kept hearing, "Look what I got!" and of course, the girls learned this phrase right away!

Look What I Got!



Tami said...

How fun! We do St. Nicholas day around here too, but its more of a tribute to their Russian/Ukranian heritage. Shad and I didn't grow up celebrating the holiday (so I have a hard time remembering what day it is! ;) We use it as a kickoff to the Christmas season, but of course make sure we talk often about the real reason for the season.

Stephanie said...

Looks like so much fun!!! My kids don't get up early on Christmas morning either...they know their Mommy needs her sleep!!

Steph :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad Dane I got coal one year too, it made a believer out of me. Your stocking hunt looks like fun sort of like Christmas and Easter all rolled into one. We are having blizzard like conditions tonight so it certainly looks like we may actually get a white Christmas for a change. Enjoy your entries Justine, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

That last photo of Gadisae is priceless! Can't get over how much she looks like Selam. Our kids are bursting around here for Christmas. Selam is beyond excited and it is so much fun. I will send you some photos of her one of these days.

dmvoccola said...

I wish I had started this tradition years ago. It's kind of what I grew up with, being German and all! But then that would mean that I would have to be organized that much earlier in the month. Realistically, that will never happen. I need these few days without school to get my act together. :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a very special St. N Day! I'm sure the girls enjoyed the celebration. This must really help strike a good balance- and put the focus where you want it-something we work very hard to do each year with our boys too. As always I enjoy following your posts. Curious- Are you going to mark the 7th of Jan?