Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What a Big Boy

With Briton being so little and having such limited speech, it is easy to forget how old he is. My mother even said the other day how sometimes she thinks he is two for the same reason and has to remind herself just how old he really is.

So it was surprising when I gave him a birthday card to 'sign' for his brothers the other day. I kind of expected him to do his little scribble, but instead he studied the letters I wrote and he did an amazing job of duplicating them! His big brothers were amazed at what he did and thought I helped him.

Look closely at his writing! My little guy is growing up (But he will always be my Baby Briton)


Corrie said...


Anonymous said...

They are all doing so well Justine ,it is nice to see. You'll soon be out of a job if they keep teaching each other. Enjoy them, they don't stay babies long but I think the youngest is always our baby. My Dad called me his baby until he passed away at 88.