Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two Peas in a Pod

These two little ones are keeping me hopping!! When Gadisae came to us she was (is) 2 months older than Briton. At first, we questioned this. He is a peanut! She is about 6" taller than him. She keeps moving up in size (since we got her measurements back in March) and he grows very slowly.

But as I watch them in their behaviour and development, I realize that no matter the real age gap, they are TWINS!

Oh, the things they get up to! I have since learned that while I do school with the other little ones, I cannot leave them unattended too long....

Briton, always the poser.

Baby Briton and his Co-Conspirator Giggling Gadisae

This particular day they trashed the bedroom and then rubbed Gadisae's buttery hair cream all over the dog and all over Briton's nice long hair. Oh the mess! Then when they were confronted with the mess in the upstairs bedrooms and hallway and told to clean it up, Miss Didi decided to hide it all under the bed.

Caught in the Act of Trashing The Room

The above picture was after they were caught with the hair cream. Upon finding the hair cream, I also found a piece of bubble gum. Yum!!

They really are pals. They spend many hours together. Briton is actually learning to talk and I think he is actually ahead of Gadisae! This is new. Lately, he is putting two and three and four words together on a regular basis.

But the funny thing is how he and Didi talk. They interchange their words. He says, "Kaka," when he goes to the bathroom (Amharic). She says, "Heady," when something is too hard (Britonese). He says, "Me no happy, Mum." (Gadisae-ese) She calls 'candy' - 'dandy' (Britonese). He says, "Ciao," when saying good-bye (Amharic). There are many more like this.

It is very cute how they learn from each other. Briton has learned how little girls go to the bathroom, so now we have to be sure he has a roll of toilet paper nearby when he goes pee. It is too cute! He doesn't know if he is a girl, a boy, Canadian or Amharic. *smile*

TV Watching Buddies

Here Briton finally has someone that he can teach. Gadisae had no clue to colours or shapes. So Briton was teaching her where the little shapes should go.

Doesn't this say it all? And I didn't even put it on him. *grin* And of course, he has no idea that the sticker he choose from the sticker book says what it says!! LOL!

Heading Out to Play

They love the snow and will go out all day if I let them!

Even Having Lunch Outside!


Karen said...

Lol... they ARE cute! I love reading and seeing glimpses of your everyday lives! (and trying to imagine what life will be like at our house in the next year or so ~ believing our adoption will be through by then).


HomoHausfrau said...

HOW CUTE! I especially love Briton's facial expression in the "mugshot". SO FUNNY!

I'm glad to hear that they're learning from each other and almost encouraging each other to develop!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!! They look so cute, but you must have freaked when you saw the damage! That is great for Briton to have a twin in Gadisae.
Nice to see some new pictures.
love, Natasha